Tally-Ho Scale Models
EDUARD 1/48 FW190A-5
For my next build I am going to do an FW190A-5 that was flown briefly by Hans Philipp in the summer of 1943 as he battled USAAF bomber raids over the North Sea and North West Germany. " Minke Pinke" was an FW190A-5Y (A5 with Morane Mast) that Philipp flew during this period. It was heavily mottled and included the names of his two beloved Dachshunds Minke and Pinke. On October 8, 1943, After shooting down a P47 Thunderbolt and a B17 Bomber for his 205th and 206th victorires, Philipp's 190 was hit and badly damaged. He attempted to bailout but died when his parachute failed to open.
Here is the profle of Philipp's FW190 that I obtained from the Kagero FW190's over Europe book.

The kit chosen for this build was Eduard's FW190A5 Profipak. The kit is fairly accurate dimensionally and comes with a photoetch set , masks for the cockpit and wheel and very good decals with number of options.

Cockpit build



Base Paint and Decals

Panel line Wash and Matt Coat Sealer

Completed Build